Ask lots of questions!
Question: I am purchasing a home and my mother will be living in it. Does that change the insurance that is appropriate for me?
Answer: Yes. You will have to change you insurance from homeowners to a landlords/fire policy. By the way this policy is for your protection, for your mother she should get a renter’s policy.
Question: I am purchasing a Town Home and I am getting conflicting information from everyone. What is the right insurance for me?
Answer: To be sure what coverage is right for you we would have to check with the Home Owners Association and maybe even review their By-Laws. In some cases you will need to only cover the inside of you home, while in some you need to cover the structure including the roof of the unit.
Question: When I purchase my new home, I will be renting my current home. Will my current policy cover my tenant?
Answer: No, what you have is a home owner’s policy and you must be the occupant. You will need a fire/landlord policy that provides you the proper coverage, while your tenant will need a renter’s policy.
Question: I am buying a foreclosure and I am getting a great deal. That should save me a lot on my home insurance right?
Answer: Not really. The replacement value that your policy is based on is the cost to fully replace the home if you have a total loss. Many times what people are paying for foreclosures does not come close to the cost to rebuild it.
Question: I have heard that if I have my home and auto insurance on the same policy I can save money.
Answer: Yes. Having your insurance with Judge Fite Insurance gives you the added benefit of this discount even if we have you with two different insurance carriers not just with one company. By the way auto and a home policy are never on the same policy but some times they are with the same insurance carrier.
Question: With all the rain and storms we have been having, I was wondering if I am covered for floods.
Answer: No, flood insurance is a separate policy and that coverage is not part of your home owner’s policy. Give us a call and we would be glad to give you a quote. You may be surprised how affordable it can be.
Question: What is the rating of the insurance company you will be quoting?
Answer: All of the insurance carriers we work with for home and auto are rated in the “A” category. If you should have questions about the process of the rating of insurance companies you can visit www.ambest.com.
The above examples are just a few of the reasons why you should select an Independent Agent like the Judge Fite Insurance Agency instead of an agency that only represents one insurance carrier work for you. We have over 30 appointments with insurance carriers and a service level to provide you more options, competitive quotes and answers to your questions.
For more information about insurance for you home, investments, vehicles, or business, contact Judge Fite Insurance today at insurance@judgefite.com or 214-446-2571.
Eric Fite, VP Judge Fite Insurance
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